
Tue 15 October 2013 17:50

The Japan-Netherlands Society (JNS) is delighted to invite NCCJ members to our lecture by Dr. Ivo Smits, Professor of Leiden University, in the evening on Tuesday, 15 October at Tokyo Midtown (Roppongi).

In his lecture titled "Why the Dutch think Japan is cute (and why it is)", Dr. Smits will talk about the Japanese "cuteness", which is not just one of the Japanese sub-cultures anymore, but nowadays assumes an important aspect of "Cool Japan" strategy, and why it is so widely accepted.

After the lecture, please enjoy talking with Dr. Smits and meet the members of the JNS, while drinking and having snacks in a friendly atmosphere.

Please click the here for further detail of the lecture. Please contact for application form for NCCJ member.
The application deadline is extended to 9 October.

Fri 04 October 2013

We are pleased to announce that the 11th North America - Europe Golf Challenge in Japan, the Mercedes-Benz Japan Cup 2013, will be played on Friday, 4 October, at the same venue as in previous years, the Atsugi Kokusai Country Club in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Thu 26 September 2013 19:00   |  Restaurant bar Amusement

In collaboration with de Nederlandse Kring in de Kanto (NKK - Dutch circle in Kanto), the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ) is pleased to invite you to Welcome Back Drinks on Thursday, September 26, 2013.

Wed 21 August 2013 12:00

On behalf of European Business Council in Japan (EBC) and the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) please find below an invitation to the:

Global Smoke-Free Worksite Challenge: What Your Organization Can Do

For detailed information, please click here.

NCCJ member may attend at the member rate. Please contact NCCJ office for the application form.

Tue 02 July 2013 13:30

New Challenges in Food Safety Review in Japan & the EU: The Example of Food & Feed Additives

The EU‐Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation in cooperation with the Delegation of the European Union to Japan is pleased to invite you to a seminar regarding approval procedures for food and feed additives, and food enzymes in Japan and the EU.

The aim of this seminar is to increase the understanding of each other's risk assessment and evaluation procedures, promote discussion between the regulators including through the exchange of good practices and foster a dialogue between regulators and the industry.

Representatives from the FSC, MHLW and MAFF on the Japanese side and officials form EFSA and DG SANCO on the EU side will present their respective safety assessment approaches in a first panel. Industry representatives from the EU and Japan will share their perspective on what the future holds in the field of food and feed additives in a second dedicated panel.

Click here for more information.

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