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JMEC open for applications and update on NCCJ scholarship
The Japan Market Expansion Competition (JMEC) program, which is supported by 17 Foreign Chambers of Commerce and trade organizations in Japan, including ourselves—is now open for applications from prospective new Participants and Project Clients. Since last year, the NCCJ provides a scholarship for JMEC participants of NCCJ member companies.
Project Clients
JMEC is a Tokyo-based business training program whose participants create professional business plans for YOUR business. Over the course of 6 months, a JMEC team will work on your business case for a fraction of the costs of hiring outside consultants. You can find the application form here:
JMEC is also looking for individual applicants to participate in the program and learn how to research and develop a professional business plan. This ‘mini MBA’ style program includes classroom training with experienced executives and successful entrepreneurs as lecturers—as well as hands-on experience in writing a business plan for a real business project, submitted by a real company. Interested applicants can find more information and apply here:
NCCJ Scholarship
As of last year, the NCCJ provides one scholarship for JMEC applicants. In case the NCCJ receives multiple applications for the JMEC program, the amount of 1 application will be divided evenly among the participants. In this case, participants get a discount on their participation fee. For details, please contact the NCCJ: