
Wed 12 February 2020 10:00   |  Hotel Okura Tokyo

Hotel Okura Tokyo was refurbished and renewed in 2019. Hotel Okura was opened in 1962 and is now one of the most authentic hotels in Tokyo. In this tour, members of the NCCJ will be able to have casual discussion on hospitality around the world with Mr. Nobukata Ban, supervisor of Hotel Okura Tokyo who has experience in both Tokyo and Amsterdam.

Wed 29 January 2020 15:00

Holland High Tech Seminar & Network reception will be held on Wednesday 29, January at a nanotechnology expo Nanotech 2020 in Tokyo Big Sight. 

Wed 15 January 2020 18:00   |  Gakushi Kaikan

New Year Party organized by Japan Netherlands Society (JNS) will be held on on January 15, 2020, welcoming H.E. Mr Peter van der Vliet, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Japan.

Tue 14 January 2020 18:20   |  Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Japan, Peter van der Vliet, would like to invite the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ) and Holland Alumni Network Japan (HANJ) to a New Years Reception on Tuesday January 14 at his residence.  
*This event is for only Members.

Wed 11 December 2019 18:30   |  Embassy of Canada to Japan

We are pleased to announce the participation of the NCCJ in the annual Joint Chamber Bonenkai, an end-of-year party tradition held in Tokyo’s finest venues which draws a wide range of, on average, 300 domestic and international professionals alike!

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