
Fri 08 March 2013 09:00

"Winners at Work: strategies for success from Leading Women in Japan"

Organised by:  Delegation of the European Union to Japan and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tokyo

To mark International Women's Day 2013, the Delegation of the European Union to Japan and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Japan will hold a seminar focussing on women who have achieved prominence in their chosen fields. Keynote speeches will be given by a representative of the new government on the government's gender equality policy and by a representative of the private sector, to be followed by a moderated panel discussion. The panel will comprise a number of prominent mostly Japanese women, who will discuss and take stock of their own professional experiences, and comment on today's barriers to and opportunities for successful economic participation by women.

Date and time:  Friday, 8 March 2013, 9:00 – 13:30
Venue: Schuman Auditorium, The EU Delegation to Japan (Europa House, 4-6-28 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Language: English and Japanese with simultaneous interpretation
Registration: Please send an email indicating name, affiliation and email address, with the subject line 'IWD2013' to (maximum capacity 150 seats)
Inquiries: The EU Delegation to Japan   tel.03-5422-6001 (switchboard)

Programme (highlights)

9:00 Doors open, welcome address & opening remarks
 H.E. Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, Ambassador of the EU to Japan
 H.E. Radinck van Vollenhoven, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Japan

9:30 Keynote speeches
 Ms Masako Mori, Minister for Consumer Affairs and Gender Equality on the government's gender equality policy
 Mr Marcel Wiggers, Chairman and CEO, Randstad Japan, Inc on the gender equality policies of his company in Japan and worldwide

10:15 Panel discussion
 Professor Yoko Ishikura, Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University
 Ms Yoriko Kawaguchi (member, House of Councillors)
 Ms Haruno Yoshida (president, British Telecom Japan)
 Ms Rieko Fukushima (Chief Specialist, Strategic Design Dept, Design Center, Toshiba Corporation)
 Ms Takako Endo (president, Twhy Twhy Inc.)
 Ms Tokiko Shimizu (principal examiner, Financial System and Bank examination Dept., Bank of Japan)
 Closing remarks
 Ms Maeve Collins, Minister, Deputy Head of Delegation, EU Delegation to Japan

12:00 End of conference. Start of networking reception (light buffet)

13:30 End of reception

*Please note that speakers and times may be subject to last-minute changes

Thu 28 February 2013 14:00

On Thursday, February 28, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hold an international seminar at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled, "Building smart communities in TOHOKU together with the World: collaborating with and spreading to the international community" jointly with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment.

Wed 27 February 2013 18:00   |  Loftwork

The NCCJ cordially invites you and your colleagues to NCCJ Briefing & Drinks with Safecast.

Tue 26 February 2013 18:30

European Institute of Japanese Studies Academy Seminars presents:
Professor Par Ahlstrom, Professor of Business Administration, Operations Management Stockholm School of Economics Tuesday, February 26, 2013 The Alfred Nobel Auditorium Embassy of Sweden

Mon 25 February 2013 19:00

A unique opportunity for everyone who is interested to experience a free sample MBA class with Holland’s leading business school:

Participate in a FREE sample MBA class with renowned Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) Professor and Associate Dean Dr. Dianne Bevelander.

Join us for a FREE sample RSM MBA class and Information Session on February 25, 2013.
Time: 19.00-21.30
Venue: 1F Place Canada, 7-3-37 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052

Registration: (Please register in advance)

For more details of the event, please click here or contact

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