
Thu 25 April 2013 09:00

Prof. Dr. Balkenende, the former prime minister of the Netherlands, now partner of Ernst & Young, will give a special lecture at the Keio University where he received an Honorary Doctorate in 2009.

Title: Three Arrow Policy for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability

Venue: Public Speaking Hall, “Mita Enzetsu-Kan”, Mita Campus, Keio University  Access

Registration required (free of charge)
If you have difficulties in registration in Japanese, please send your name, affiliation, title, e-mail address to under the subject: Dr. Balkenende Lecture 22 April 2013.

Language: English

Organized by: Graduate School of System Designed Management, Keio University
Supported by: The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Event flyer


Tue 26 March 2013 19:00

To mark the second anniversary of Great East Japan Earthquake and its ensuing disasters, the Tohoku Planning Forum will host its next Forum on March 26 2013.

Sun 24 March 2013 14:00

JNS is delighted to welcome Ms. Helena Basilova, a Dutch pianist, to our salon concert.

Fri 15 March 2013 14:00

Tax and Hiring Plan for Small Offices in Japan

MIPRO is pleased to present a seminar on tax and public insurance for foreigners who wish to start a business in Japan.
Through a sample case study and a lecture based on the sample case, you can learn about tax matters and employment management in terms of public insurance system.
This could help you or your company to save costs and make a feasible business plan when starting a small office.
Both of the lecturers wrote MIPRO’s guidebooks, which we use in the seminar.
We welcome all foreigners interested in businesses in Japan as well as those who support such foreigners.

For further details, please visit the website.

Thu 14 March 2013 17:00   |  ASML Japan Co., Ltd.

Have you ever wondered how other managers cope when facing the same challenges that you face in your day-to-day business in Japan? Do you feel that you and others could benefit from sharing experiences of doing business in this unique and challenging market? Then the NCCJ is pleased to invite you to Lotgenoten on March 14, 2013. This is the first Lotgenoten organized in the evening, followed by informal networking at a nearby restaurant. This event is kindly sponsored by ASML Japan.

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