
Tue 12 February 2013 14:00

- How would your own board measure up, if it was evaluated?

A presentation by Professor Martin Hilb of the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, followed by comments by Nobuyuki Hiraizumi, outside director at Kajima Corporation, and a panel discussion.
(Simultaneous Translation will be available)

Fri 08 February 2013 18:00

The Japan-Netherlands Society (JNS) cordially invites NCCJ members to JNS New Year Party.

General information
Date and Time:
8 February 2013 (Fri)  18:00 – 19:40 (Reception desk opens at 17:30)       
Venue: The 4th Floor, Tokyo Midtown West bldg.
(FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation, 9-7-3 Akasaka, Minato-ku Tokyo)
Application Deadline: Application form to be received by 25 January (Fri)

For more details, please click here.
For application form, please contact the NCCJ office.

Fri 25 January 2013 19:00

The 28th cycle of the EU Executive Training Programme in Japan has kicked off with the arrival of 31 selected business executives from the EU. The Delegation of the European Union to Japan and Waseda University would like to invite EBC and national chamber members as guests to join members of the ETP Association and selected Japanese executives in welcoming the new ETP28 participants at a relaxed Networking Party. 

Tue 15 January 2013 19:00   |  Fuglen

The Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ), in collaboration with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ) is pleased to invite you and your guests to the first Aperitif of 2013 on Tuesday 15 January at Norwegian espressobar / cocktailbar Fuglen in Shibuya. Join us in welcoming in the new year and toasting to a successful year in Japan.
Event flyer

Thu 13 December 2012 17:30

The EU-funded Executive Training Programme supports European managers and companies in developing their business plans and expertize to enter of expand their activities in the Japanese or Korean markets. The currently pursued ambitious EU trade strategy with Korea and Japan, and growth in Asia make this fully EU-funded programme a great opportunity for European businesses looking for growth opportunities.
After a successful launch of the 2012-2013 cycle, the European Commission is now looking for 60 EU managers to participate in the ETP 2013-2014. Selected managers will spend a year entirely funded by the EU (including a monthly stipend of at least 2000€) gaining deep insights mostly in full immersion in Japan or Korea in order to develop their business in these countries.
If you are seeking growth opportunities in Asia, join this webinar to find out how ETP can help you:
•         When? Thursday, December 13th 2012 from 17:30 JST – 18:30 JST.
•         Why attend? To discover trade opportunities with Japan and Korea, the benefits of participating in the Executive Training Programme to Japan and Korea, as well as the testimonial of a successful ETP alumnus. Indeed, the currently pursued ambitious EU trade strategy with Korea and Japan, and growth in Asia make this fully EU-funded programme all the more relevant for European businesses looking for growth opportunities.
•         How to attend? Register here
•         If you cannot join the webinar at the time scheduled, register for the event and you will receive a recording and copy of slides via email following the webinar. 
If you are interested in the ETP, please email:  for more information.

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