EU Gateway Healthcare and Medical Technologies | The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ)
EU Gateway Healthcare and Medical Technologies
The EU Gateway Progamme is funded and managed by the European Union to support EU companies in developing business cooperation with Japanese companies.
The Netherlands Embassy in Tokyo is supporting the programme by maximizing business opportunities for Dutch participants.
From 22 to 23 May 2012, the following two Dutch companies will visit Japan and show their products and technologies at the two-day Exhibition.
Date: 22-23 May 2012
11:00-18:00 (22 May)
10:00-17:00 (23 May)
Venue: Hilton Hotel Tokyo, 4F “Kiku Room”
Admission: Free (Prior registration is required)
Dutch participants:
Exact Dynamics: Training device for rehabilitation purposes
Forcelink: Treadmill