NCCJ EXCURSION Company visit to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries | The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ)

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NCCJ EXCURSION Company visit to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Wed 14 March 2012 13:45 - 17:00
MHI Sagamihara

See first hand how Mitsubishi Heavy Industries produces high quality industrial products!  Join us for an excursion to the General Machinery & Special Vehicle Headquarters of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Sagamihara, where four divisions are responsible for the production of engines, turbochargers, industrial vehicles and special vehicles. A special tour has been organised in English where you will learn more about the production process of MHI.
Your colleagues and guests are all welcome.

This is a half day event, returning to Tokyo at about 18.00 hours.

General information

Date: Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Time and Venue:        
13:45 Sagamihara Station (JR Yokohama Line) & Registration
14:00 Bus leaves to MHI from Sagamihara Station
14:20 - 16:00 Visiting MHI
16:30 Bus leaves to Sagamihara Station
16:50 Arriving at Sagamihara Station

For registration, please contact