NCCJ opens Deshima Business Awards 2022 applications | The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ)

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Fri 19 August 2022

NCCJ opens Deshima Business Awards 2022 applications

Every 2 years, the NCCJ, supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, awards companies with Dutch roots that lead the way in Japan – those companies that have demonstrated successful business development in Japan, and have added value to society.

The NCCJ encourages you to apply
We will be considering a wide range of companies, from companies that have recently set their first steps on Japanese soil to companies that have a well-established position in the market. NCCJ members, non-NCCJ members, start-ups, multinationals, previous winners… every organization with Dutch roots is eligible to apply. Winning the awards will give your company significant exposure, boosting the further development of your business relationships in the Japanese market. Entrants will benefit from overall profiling of your company, networking opportunities, as well as showcasing the success of your Japan operation within your organization and to peer group companies.

Award categories
There are two main categories in which we award organizations and initiatives. The first category is the “Newly Established” category, for those that have started in Japan after Jan 1 of 2017. The “Well Established” category is for those that have started their value creation in Japan before 2017. In addition to these two awards, the Jury has the freedom to establish new awards for those that should be recognized. For example, in 2000 the Jury established the “Entrepreneurship Award”.

How to apply
The application is a two-step process. First, we kindly ask you to complete the “participant request form” that can be accessed through the link below. Please fill in this form before October 7. All eligible participants will then be asked to fill in an additional two-page application form, to promote the achievement of the company, which then will be sent to the jury. The judging panel will review these final applications and all applicants will be informed of the panels’ decision.

Deshima Business Awards 2022 request form

Selection of the Jury and Winners
The NCCJ will establish a prestigious judging panel, consisting of representatives from both the Japanese and Dutch business community in Japan. The panel members, a mix of business and government representatives, will be carefully selected in order to provide a wealth of professional perspectives. The judging panel will come together after all applications have been submitted and select one winner in the “Well Established” segment and one winner in the “Newly Established” segment. The NCCJ facilitates the selection procedure, and all decisions will be made by the Jury. The NCCJ is not involved in the decision-making process. The winners will be announced during the Deshima Business Awards ceremony. Details will be shared later in time.

We look forward to receiving your nomination.
For questions, please contact the NCCJ directly:
For more information on the Deshima Business Awards, including winners from the past, click HERE