Event Report: Annual General Meeting 2015 | The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ)

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Fri 29 May 2015

Event Report: Annual General Meeting 2015

The NCCJ held its annual general meeting on Wednesday night May 27. NCCJ Chairman Hans van der Tang began the proceedings with an introduction and recap of the past year, then handed the microphone over to Treasurer Tetsuo Hoshiya for the financial report.

Martin van der Linden gave his presentation on the Activities Committee via skype, with a overview of next year’s planned events, promising exiting new events, some of which could not yet be disclosed.

Membership Committee chair Richard van Rooij described his committee’s successful campaign to gather new members, which netted 10 new corporate members.

Maarten Molenaar gave a report on the Communications Committee and its upgrades of the chamber website, newsletters and flyer, as well as its survey to identify the specific interests of the members.

Takeo Nishitani, External Relations chair, described the committee’s efforts to forge closer ties and outreach to organizations, Japanese and foreign, including other chambers.

Hans then gave a presentation on the Deshima Awards Committee, and the preparations for the next event, in 2016. European Business Council representative Hiroshi Ishiwata spoke about the NCCJ’s relations with the EBC.

The minutes were presented, and accepted.

As always at the AGM, the Chamber held its annual management committee election. Twelve voting members were present and with 15 proxies, making a total of 27 voting members present or represented, the quorum of 51% of Regular members (in this case 16) was exceeded. The total number in attendance at the meeting, including non-voting members, was 22. All committee members were reelected, and Laurens Schaberg became the Deshima Awards Committee chairman (See NCCJ Management Committee 2015-16).

Then, with all business taken care of to everyone’s satisfaction, all present went to a nearby restaurant for a few hours of drinks and socializing.

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