Oranda Jima House opened on May 24 2014 | The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ)
Oranda Jima House opened on May 24 2014
Oranda Jima Foundation(OJF) has opened the house, in the presence of the Mayor of Yamada Machi, Mrs. Nienke Trooster, Chargé D’affaires from Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and many of the sponsors who have made this day possible, and formally transfered the ownership of the house from the Oranda Jima Foundation to the Yamada Machi Authorities.
As contributor to the realization of this project, the Board and Members of the NCCJ were cordially invited to be present at the event, that took place on May 24th in Yamada Machi, Iwate Prefecture. Click here to see the report by Martin van der Linden (van der Architects Japan K.K.) who designed the house.
The Orandajiima House feature story will be shortly uploaded for viewing at NHK World "Asia This Week".