Lotgenoten Luncheon meeting "How do we ensure we have engaged and motivated employees? " | The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ)

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Lotgenoten Luncheon meeting "How do we ensure we have engaged and motivated employees? "

Wed 26 February 2014 12:00 - 14:00
Dale Carnegie Training Japan
Member 2,000JPY; Non-member (prospective member only) 3,500JPY (incl. lunch and soft drinks)

Have you ever wondered how other managers cope when facing the same challenges that you face in your day-to-day business in Japan? Do you feel that you and others could benefit from sharing experiences of doing business in this unique and challenging market? Then the NCCJ is pleased to invite you to LOTGENOTEN on 26 February 2014.

If you are not Dutch, you may wonder what is LOTGENOTEN? The official translation mentions “fellow sufferers” or “partners in misfortune”, albeit with a smile; we prefer to talk about “Partners in Circumstance”. Everybody faces challenges in Japan. It would seem to make sense to learn from each others’ successes as well as failures and hopefully speed up the learning curve. That is what LOTGENOTEN is all about.

How do we ensure we have engaged and motivated employees?

Why don’t we have more engaged, energized and motivated employees?  Is HR just hiring the wrong people, are we simply unlucky or is our management culture and practice the problem? Japan is a nation of diligent souls.  Diligence is fine and we enjoy the fruits of it here, but how to spot that rarer, more valuable bird – the truly “engaged employee”? Is your team populated with self-starters, self-motivated, self-driven, self-disciplined, initiative takers?  Are they creative, imaginative and innovative? Do they demonstrate commitment and go the extra mile?  Do they have positive attitudes and spread positive energy?  Are they great team players? How do we spot that other more challenging group – the non-engaged employee?  What about the danger zone -- the disengaged employee?

Dr. Greg Story, President of Dale Carnegie Training Japan will facilitate the session.  An Aussie, he has been living in Japan for 28 years running sales operations across trade, retail banking and now corporate training.

This event is open to NCCJ members, employees of member companies and prospective members only.
Attendance is limited to 20 people to encourage maximum participation among participants.
Everything discussed is strictly OFF THE RECORD.